Comparative Genomics of Non-Model Invertebrates
Gert Wörheide

Supervisor: Gert Wörheide (LMU Munich), Co-supervisor Davide Pisani (University of Bristol)
Student: Ksenia Juravel
Objectives: The phylogenetic relationships among non-bilaterian animals are still not unequivocally accepted but their... show more

Supervisor: Gert Wörheide (LMU Munich), Co-supervisor Agostinho Antunes (CIIMAR Porto)
Student: Ramon Rivera
Objectives: A holobiont is a metaorganism that consists of a host and its associated symbionts, frequently microbes - humans are a... show more

Supervisor: Detlev Arendt (EMBL Heidelberg), Co-supervisor Gert Wörheide (LMU Munich)
Student: Fabian Ruperti
Objectives: The nature of the last common ancestor of the Metazoa is largely unsolved, due to uncertainties in the branching... show more