Comparative Genomics of Non-Model Invertebrates


Young Researchers meet up for a Workshop in Croatia

An Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Workshop in Programming and Bioinformatics took place from 2 to 8 December in Split, Croatia.  Organized entirely by the ESRs and for the ESRs, the Workshop aimed to develop a knowledge base to help the young researchers gain new knowledge and get one step closer to achieving their research goals. From Bash scripting, through programming with R and Python, over to sequence assembly and al... show more

IGNITE at the GIGA meeting - Curacao

Various members of our group assisted to The Third Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance Research Conference and Workshop (GIGA III) held in Curacao (19.10.2018 - 21.10.2018). It was a great Conference full of great talks, posters, and workshops. Our ESRs and some PIs presented their work during a special IGNITE session. We are looking forward to the next GIGA meeting to have our entire IGNITE group there presenting their last results from the... show more

IGNITE's 1st Network Wide Training Event (Split, Croatia)

The first IGNITE Network-Training Event (NTE) took place at the Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MedILS) in Split, Croatia from 26.08.2018 to 05.09.2018. The event provided the first opportunity to gather all the participants of IGNITE, Principal Investigators (Pis), Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and collaborators. In total 11 ESR were able to attend the first summer school. The meeting marked the beginning of multiple training even... show more

IGNItion - the project officially starts!

Today, the IGNITE Consortium officially starts its network activities with a kick-off meeting in Munich. In the next three days (4-6 April) beneficiaries and partners will have the chance to meet and discuss important project aspects and plan for future ativities.  Having just closed off its application period, IGNITE is now about to welcome 15 early career researchers to train them within leading EU institutions. More info... show more

Exploring invertebrate genomes

A new EU-funded project to explore the diversity and architectures of genomes found in invertebrate animals, and promises to enhance our knowledge of their ecological and evolutionary importance, as well as their biotechnological potential. Unlike humans, who belong to the vertebrates (animals with backbones), more than 95% of the animal species on Earth are the collectively called "invertebrates". No less than 1.2 million inverteb... show more